Dec 8, 2006

Gettin' In The Rocky Mood Gettin in the mood for the new Rocky picture coming up, here's a chap obviously had his life changed, like many of us, by the great one.

Dec 7, 2006

Darth Mauled What's your Star Wars name? I'm afraid that, from now on, I'm going to have to ask that you refer to me in expressedly reverential tones, please, as Derha Lodum, Hanbeetle of Propolis. One person I know's last name came out Flu Plus and his car bit was Punto. I've not come out too bad - I feel lordly in mine. Apart from that fact that the last 'medicine' I took was only a natural remedy, really. If this doesn't get some fucking comments, I'm, giving up on the whole shower of you indolent swines, by the way.
Ass Cracker Those offended by the sight of stupid American teenagers getting hurt trying to impress their friends, look away now. The rest of you - isn't the bang at the end just the 'coup de Gracie?' At the end, everyone goes quiet thinking - damn, that was a stupid thing to do yet the rocketman still manages to gamely raise a victory salute, despite the obvious discomfort he'll be experiencing. Top viewing.

Dec 4, 2006

Expressions I've had a right good belly laugh a few times lately, which feels fantastic as always but a lot of them have been at the same thing. The other week, in the lunchroom, we were talking about someone and a workmate came away with a typically Scottish expression that may nor may not be commonplace, but I've never heard it before. The person being discussed was the unfortunate posessor of a protruding set of teeth and, without missing a blink, the workmate said;
  • "who's that? oh aye him - he could eat an apple through a letterbox".

  • Dec 3, 2006

    Bonnie Clydes

    Dec 2, 2006

    How Lomo Can Yugo
    I'm popssibly, within the next 48 hours, going to attain a lifelong goal of owning a Lomo. I'm bidding on an LCA on Ebay and it closes on Monday. I have seldom bid with more anticipation or sweatiness of palm. The art of Lomography is, at long last, within my vicelike grasp. I used to love visiting this site when I lived in Japan and checking out the great things that can be done in photography when you surrender control of everything but composition.

    Better yet, on Saturday next -- a week today, that is to say -- I'm taking off for points hitherto unvisited. I'm going to join The Special One on her home turf of New Zealand for Christmas and New Year. What a place to start my career as a Lomographer! At the furthest point from home, like, EVER. Unless i visit the Antarctic at some stage, I doubt I'll ever get further from home, actually. Keen. I'm about as excited as I consider it possible for me to get.